
Disclaimer This disclaimer shall govern the use of this website. By using this website, you accept this disclaimer in full. None of the information contained on this website shall be considered as medical advice, recommendation, or should serve or be used as a substitute for proper medical care, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. Mark S. Kearns nor Infinite Success LLC  is not giving medical advice or recommendation. 

Energy therapy, tapping techniques, hypnosis, NLP, and meditation are complementary therapies. They are not intended to replace conventional medical care. If you have, or think you might be suffering for any acute or chronic disease, you should immediately seek and consult with a qualified healthcare professional. All suggested self-healing techniques are offered in good faith as information only. They are not to be considered as medical advice, or as replacements for professional medical care, diagnosis or treatment. 

Mark S. Kearns or Infinite Success LLC assumes no liability for damages of any nature resulting directly or indirectly from the information or techniques and exercises contained on this website, or failure to seek professional medical advice. The information, exercises or techniques contained on this website should not treated or relied on as advice or alternatives to qualified medical advice.